Aug. 6, 7 & 8, 2024
Foundation of Chinese
Energetic Medicine (S1)
3-Days Intensive
Participants are led through a progressive series of Qigong (Energy Skill) exercises and meditations. Basic applications of Chinese Energetic Medicine energetic skills are taught which can tonify, purge and regulate the body’s energy.
Yes, I am inEach day includes lecture time as well as the demonstration of exercises and personal practice of this energetic medicine. Attendees are taught Chinese Energetic Medicine application exercises and meditations and learn both how and when to apply them in their personal practices and daily lives. There is also an introduction to basic energetic psychology, which includes discharging toxic emotions utilizing healing sound therapy.
Upon completion, participants will be familiar with basic Chinese Energetic Medicine terminology such as the location and function of the three dantiens. Participants will also be capable of demonstrating and applying any of the exercises and meditations studied in this course, such as the purgation Qi Scattering exercises and the Daoist Five Yin organ exercises.
The information presented within this course has taken Prof. Jerry Alan Johnson a lifetime of investigation and study and includes knowledge gathered from personal training with various masters of ancient mysticism throughout the world.
For more information, please contact our support team.
There are no prerequisites.

Registered & Approved PDA Available
20 Live PDA
Check-in 8:30 am to 9:00 am
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3