Hello and Welcome!

Are you looking to deepen your understanding of Chinese medicine?

Are you curious to learn more about the Five Elements as they relate to our health and personal worldviews?

Are you ready to take your understanding of channels and points to a new level?

These classes were developed with the Qigong practitioner in mind! 

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Virginia, Washington

Dr. Christine Sanmiquel’s classes are very well organized, full of information, and accessible. I thoroughly enjoyed learning from Dr. Sanmiquel as she makes the subject come alive with real-life examples. 

These Expertly Developed Courses Will Support You

In deepening your Qigong practice through the understanding and embodiment of key aspects of Chinese medicine.

In addition, all modules have beautifully designed handouts to support student learning.

Watch and digest the video content at your leisure and come back to review content for more clarity anytime! 

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TCM Foundations

The Theory and Practice of TCM for Qigong Practitioners

Course Description:  

This 6 module course explores the theories and philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The intention is to educate qigong practitioners with the foundational knowledge of TCM including the following:

Yin/yang theory and how it applies to human anatomy and physiology, dynamics of five element theory in TCM, five-element personality types, types of Qi in TCM, and their unique functions, the role of Qi, Blood, and Body Fluids in the body, introduction to all of the 12 Zang-Fu organs and their TCM physiological mechanisms, foundational views on the etiology and pathogenesis of disease as well as disease prevention and treatment principles.

This course covers a wealth of information in an easy to understand manner. This course lays the foundation for advanced training including channels and points, TCM diagnostics, and women’s health.


Course Learning Outcomes & Student Competencies:        

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Better understand the view and orientation of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
  2. Recognize Yin and Yang qualities of life phenomena.
  3. Understand how Yin and Yang are utilized in understanding and maintaining health.
  4. More deeply appreciate the functions of Qi, Blood, and Body Fluids in our bodies.
  5. Know the foundational views of the cause and development of disease in TCM.
  6. Understand the role of prevention in TCM and the basic principles of TCM treatment.
  7. Recognize the inherent qualities of the Five Elements in our inner and outer worlds.
  8. See the Five-Element personality types in themselves and how it relates to health.
  9. Appreciate the TCM functions of the Zang Fu and Extraordinary organs and their physiological correspondences.
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Channels and Points Class

Acupuncture Channels & Points for Qigong

Course Description:             

This 8 module course explores the 12 Primary Acupuncture Channels plus the Ren Mai and Du Mai Extraordinary Vessels as well as the more commonly used points along those channels. Emphasis is placed on the functional application of channel knowledge for the Qigong practitioner.

A selection of the most commonly used points from each channel are discussed in detail. Instruction includes: the name of the point, any special qualities or classifications the point has, the specific anatomical location, actions/functions of the point, as well as an exploration of any psychological, spiritual, and emotional uses of the points. This course will also include tips and tricks for mastering the self-study of future points encountered in Qigong training.  

It is recommended to have taken the TCM Foundations course prior to this one, as the material in this course will deepen that understanding when the functions of the points are discussed.


Course Learning Outcomes & Student Competencies:             

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Train their attention and intention when focusing on the proper Channel flow in the body.
  2. Deepen their intention and thus improve the effectiveness when accessing Channels and Points with Qigong.
  3. Embody a deeper understanding of Channel flow and function in maintaining health.
  4. Recognize when the flow of energy in a Channel is blocked.
  5. Understand whether a Point is in a state of excess or deficiency and how to balance it.
  6. Understand the function and use of an Acupuncture Point based on where it is located and what type of point it is.
  7. Appreciate the psychological, spiritual, and emotional wisdom inherent in the Points.
  8. Begin to understand the art and science of Point and Channel selection.
  9. Have the knowledge and resources to be able to self-study any additional Points learned while studying Qigong.

A Sneak Peek Inside!

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take a quick peek inside the course!

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TCM Foundations



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Dr. Christine is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist holding doctoral degrees in both Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine as well as Medical Qigong. Dr. Christine first began studying with Dr. Johnson in 2005, in his Daoist Mysticism class and went on to receive her DMQ in 2012.

Christine is an enthusiastic and skilled educator and has developed and taught introductory and advanced courses for Dr. Johnson’s students on the foundational theories of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture channels and points, and women’s health since 2010. She enjoys enriching the qigong student’s understanding and practice of this amazing medicine!

In addition, Christine has taught Acupuncture channels and points, as well as research, at Five Branches University since 2010. She currently practices in Orange County, CA. and specializes in women’s health, fertility, and pediatrics.